Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

By now, pretty much everyone who doesn’t live under a rock has heard about the attack by gunmen on the Crocus City Hall music venue in Moscow on March 22 in which 60 people were killed and over another 100 injured. The official narrative is that ISIS has claimed responsibility for the attack. Of course, this seems plausible given that ISIS is thought by some to be an asset of various Western alphabet agencies. Then there are some who suggest that the Russian government itself orchestrated the attack to give itself an excuse to extend the reach of its operations in Ukraine. What we do seem to know (as of this writing, at least) is that several of the gunmen have been captured and that they were Tajiks that somebody recruited via social media, gave them money and weapons, and then told them that they’d be safe if they managed to get over the border into Ukraine.

Regardless of the origins and provenance of these attackers, the very fact of the attack itself reveals a couple of uncomfortable truths that many Americans and other Westerners need to be aware of.

The first of these is that this kind of terrorism could easily happen here. As many large attendance, soft target essentially unprotected venues as exist all across this country, bad actors could wreak havoc at any time. Couple this with the fact that there are tens of thousands of soft, unsecured infrastructural targets everywhere and you have a recipe for easily sown chaos. And don’t think I’m giving anyone any ideas here since you know there are many, inside and outside our government, who’ve already considered them.

This leads to the second uncomfortable truth, which is that the Regime appears, by all empirical evidences, to be trying to make this happen. Why? There are a couple of reasons to think this. First, despite the preponderant share of violence in this country – both political and apolitical – being committed by non-Whites, the Regime desperately needs a “Great White Supremacy Terrorist Attack” so that it can justify open repression of its domestic enemies. It just has to provoke (or otherwise engineer) such an attack, and the easiest way to do this is to invite in and arm military-aged foreigners from countries hostile to the United States and let nature take its course. The fact that when this happens the attackers will likely be quite a few shades browner than your average Heritage-American doesn’t really matter – as we’ve seen the Regime (even in Texas!) is already reclassifying minority criminals as “White.” The Regime just needs such an attack to happen, the cover story doesn’t have to make any sense.

Second, this kind of violence would kick the push for civilian disarmament into high gear. The Regime already uses (or, again, engineers) firearms-related tragedies for the purpose of pushing its gun control agenda. I mean, you don’t think it’s a coincidence that every time Democratic politicians in Congress and the media start ramping up chatter for gun control, you have a string of very publicised school shootings that just so happen to begin a couple of weeks later, do you? What every American needs to understand is that the Left doesn’t “want” to push through a communist revolution in America, they are already doing so. When Moldbug said that “America is a Communist Country,” he wasn’t being metaphorical. To finalise the end game for this revolution means they need you to be unable to do anything about it. As they found out a few years ago, even when the kulaks are small in number, if finally brought to the point of action, they can still cause a lot of problems for the Regime’s plans.

So how does a Regime like this go about destabilising an otherwise historically very stable and socially cohesive country like the USA?

Well, they replace the population that makes it so stable. They destroy that social cohesion by importing in millions of inassimilable foreigners (legal or illegal doesn’t really matter for this, by the way) and encouraging them to jump on the grievance and patronage bandwagons. They create diversity and put it into proximity, which inevitably leads to war. So they throw open the borders. They positively encourage millions of these people to come flooding across. They hobble anyone trying to hinder this process. They completely ignore that a large share of these people are military aged males from geopolitical enemies, or hold hostile religious or ideological views, or are members of gangs and cartels. Indeed, many of them are straight up foreign military and intelligence infiltrators. But that’s the way the Regime wants it.

So in view of this, consider the recent court ruling by a Regime judge in Illinois (of course) that allows illegal aliens to carry firearms under the 2nd amendment. While obviously ridiculous on its face, the point is to make it harder for ICE, state agencies, and private individuals to deal with illegals, thus reducing deportations and emboldening criminal aliens to further crime. Again, the point is to enable the breakdown of civil society.

Connected with this, I believe, is the recent spate of “squatters’ rights” nonsense that we’ve been seeing. Especially in Blue states, politicians have made it extremely easy for ne’er-do-wells to literally steal a person’s real estate property right out from under them. Remember what I said about our own communist revolution above? This just further erodes one of the legs which stable civil society stands upon (security in real property ownership), contributing to more social discord. This is magnified by the likely-to-grow second order effect of vigilantes acting to remove squatters, which is going to provoke official reaction in Blue venues, at least. The whole point is to make private individuals insecure in their personal property, just like they’ve made Americans as a whole insecure in the possession of their own country.

All of this serves to highlight to fundamental illegitimacy of this Regime and the puppet government it controls. The current Regime does not deserve our allegiance or our support. Indeed, far from commanding our affection and obedience, this current government is Scripturally the exact opposite of that kind of government that the Christian, at least, is morally obligated to support. The God-given purpose of government is to maintain order and protect its people. The current Regime is pointedly destroying order and its own people.

So what do we do? Well, the first answer to this question is NOT “nothing.” It’s not to sit around and whine about anyone suggesting that we organise as a people, etc. etc. being “Feds.” That’s exactly the kind of thing that has hobbled the Right from organising for effective action for years and decades. Ironically, the one thing that has done “the Feds” job more than anything else has been the division-sowing by the pinched-faced little ninnies who always label any call to action as the work of “Feds,” no matter how innocuous and scrupulously legal it may be.

The simple fact of the matter is that the Right needs to be organising, no matter who may not like it. This ought to be our natural talent as a population habitually given to order and law-abidingness (e.g. American Whites, by themselves, have a violent crime rate lower than many western European countries). What’s more, this organisation needs to be at the local level, in your communities, not with (and no offence to the many online friends and mutuals I have on various venues) anonymous names scattered across the internet. And it needs to be more than just prepping and hitting the shooting range. Get involved. Donate time to local charities. Be active in local politics and activism (even if democracy, in and of itself, is a joke). Find out who the like-minded people in your neighbourhood actually are and network with them – in church, at the gym, wherever. Coordinate with local law enforcement (especially elected sheriffs) and other power brokers. And certainly, don’t overlook the more…protective…aspects of looking out for our communities as well. As we saw above, the Regime is importing exactly the kind of people who can be used to bring actual harm to us and our communities (and are intended to one day).

But – and here I’m throwing a bone to the worrywarts – be smart about it. Not everything needs to be broadcast to the whole city on Nextdoor. Keep organisation on the down low. You worry about Feds? Then work with people you trust, and build cell-type networks out of groups of people who actually know each other face to face and have a pre-existing level of trust. Establish rules and chains of command that will help to instill discipline. Our goal should, in fact, be to be unpoliceable if and when the need arises. Never forget that. Our goal should be to create organisation that is so formidable that if the Regime or its proxies did ever cross lines that it couldn’t uncross, then the response would not be from isolated groups of “rednecks and hillbillies” who could be rounded up in a New York minute, but from entire counties and or even states. But for the time being, don’t scare the normies.

In short, right-wing organisation needs to be an “institution in waiting,” if that makes any sense. To picture this more concretely, I’d point the reader to “supersaturation” as a physical model of this concept. Supersaturation is a condition that you can have in physical chemistry in which a solute (such as a salt) can be dissolved in a solvent to a higher concentration than “normal,” beyond its actual solubility. Now, such a supersaturated solution is hard to attain and easy to lose – the addition of a single solid crystal and any sort of shock is usually enough to make the solute crash out of solution. But that’s just the point – right-wing organisation should be largely unobserved until such a point as the shock and the seed crystal happen – something introduced from outside the supersaturated system.

But above and beyond everything else, we must keep in mind that the ultimate reason for organising is to maintain and/or restore order in a world where that order is increasingly more likely to go away. In other words, our fundamental purpose must, Must, MUST be eucivilisational. Understand that if and when our Seneca point comes, when collapse bears its full fruit, and especially if the Regime’s plans result in a full-on civil war, know that this will be a very, very ugly and disruptive thing. Organisation can and should be multifunctional, ranging from hardening the neighbourhood against local gang members all the way up to securing the county or the city against marauding bands of cannibals (Haitian or otherwise). So the long and short of the matter is work together and be prepared.

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