There Is No Peaceful Solution

As most of us are surely aware by now, the fermenting demographic troubles in Ireland finally boiled over last week in a flurry of rioting. The proximate cause was an Algerian immigrant who went on a stabbing spree against a woman and several children (only the latest in a series of this type of thing by Ireland’s growing foreign-born population). The deeper cause, of course, is the systematic set of policies enacted by globalist, transnational, mostly foreign “elites” who have ruled Ireland for over a decade to the detriment of Ireland’s native population. These policies have methodically disadvantaged actual Irish people – economically, demographically, and legally – while perpetrating a type of anarchotyranny to the advantage of vast numbers of third world “migrants” who have brought in huge amounts of crime and corruption. So what we saw last week was an entirely logical response of righteous indignation against this state of affairs.

To the surprise of absolutely no one, the “Irish” government took away from this exactly the wrong message. Instead of recognising that a problem exists and brainstorming ways to fix it, the Regime’s Irish branch is already proposing a boatload of draconian restrictions designed to stifle dissent even further. Leo Varadkar, Maharashtra’s Ireland’s Prime Minister, is pledging “stronger hate speech laws.” The Powers That Be want to make it illegal for Irishmen to have memes on their phones. One Councillor, Azad Talukder (o’ the Wexford Talukders, to be shur’n), declared his desire to “shoot them in the head,” publicly expressing a sentiment that is assuredly held in private by most of Ireland’s foreign-born “leaders.” Ultimately, the reason they’re not brainstorming solutions to the problems mentioned above is because they don’t think of these things as problems. Indeed, their transnational masters have spent decades engineering this exact type of demographic destruction, not only in Ireland, but all over the Western world.

All of this serves to highlight the fundamental illegitimacy of democratic western governments. As regular readers certainly know, I do not believe that the people should be directly involved in governing the various nations (i.e. democracy). I believe that monarchy is, in the long run, a better form of government than are popular forms. Indeed, I believe it is something of a fallacy to talk about “democracy” at all, since such a form is easily subverted and ends up becoming nothing more than a sham. However, while I don’t believe in government BY the people, I do very much believe in government FOR the people. In other words, that government (of whatever sort it is) that rules over a people has a responsibility and obligation to do so for the good of that people. As it currently stands, though, pretty much every democratic government today is less responsive to the will of its actual people than were most medieval monarchies. And any government which does not act for the good of its people, and especially one which is actively hostile to its own people, has lost the mandate of heaven.

The thing to understand is that most people are generally dispositioned to some degree of orderliness, at least in the sense of wanting to live their lives without disruption. As such, rioting really is something of a “last resort” for when people are being systematically ignored or oppressed by their own governments. Of course, Ireland (like most other western nations, including our own) is ruled by a transnational body of foreign satraps who don’t give a rip about the native peoples of the countries they occupy. Really, Leo Varadkar is no different from the foreign governours that Iron Age empires in the ancient near east would assign to rule over their various provinces. The rulers of these empires knew that there was no sense of connexion between the governours and the people being ruled, thus ensuring the loyalty of the governours to the ruler while stifling the ability of the ruled to obtain genuine justice. Thus, the Irish rioting was entirely legitimate. Indeed, violent resistance to illegitimate governments which despise their own people is entirely proper and right.

The fact of the matter is that we’ve reached the point where there is no peaceful solution to the problems faced in the West by the mass importation of hostile, inassimilable foreigners nor the politicians who hate their own people. We know that from here on out, every election upon which anything of any importance rests will be “fortified.” Every politician will be suborned by one means or another. There are no “dark elves” out there waiting in the wings to come forth and solve all of our problems via technocratic means. Matters coming to a head won’t just occur around immigration issues, either. As the conceptual divide widens between what the various native peoples of the West want for their countries and what The Powers That Be are willing to do to these people to keep them from getting what they want, there will be more and more areas in which the Regime will provoke regular people to resistance.

Of course, the usual internet wags will tut-tut such talk while asserting that Americans could never engage in meaningful resistance, that they will always simply let the government do whatever it wants because cheeseburgers or something.

fat americans running while holding cheeseburgers and extra large sodas pixar style
What these folks think all of their fellow Americans look like

This is wishful thinking coming from the same set of turbo-America dorks who tell us that collapse will never happen. (Hint: when you see the same signs here that characterised collapse in other polities for the last 5000 years, it means collapse is coming here too – we’re not special snowflakes.)

There are essentially three basic reasons why those on the American Right haven’t shrugged the same way regular folks in Europe are beginning to (see Spain and France as well as Ireland for recent examples). The first of these is because the American Right still holds onto a residual trust in elections and democracy and the whole “We’ll get ‘em next election!” mentality. Having been fed a decades-long diet of reverence for democracy and voting and whatnot acts as a desensitising agent that keeps many Americans anesthetised to the actual uselessness of such attitudes.

But this will continue to erode as we see more obvious election fraud. Eventually, when the norm becomes “go to bed with the right-wing candidate ahead by 10% and wake up with the left-wing candidate winning by 0.5%,” elections will lose what legitimacy they have left. Further, as “democracy” comes to be increasingly defined as “whatever the Regime wants to do,” more and more normies will start to clue in to the fact that democratic forms are not going to save America, but are in fact what are destroying it.

Second, Heritage Americans and those on the normie Right tend to assume that everybody still plays by the old, traditional set of norms, including FedGov. This “seemed” plausible when the Regime employed incrementalism to gradually acculturate normies to its agenda. But as they accelerate their revolutionary overthrow of everything that normies thought would be sacrosanct like they have over the past few years, this sense of “norms” will go away. And when that happens, there will be a whole lot of people suddenly open to the possibility that something else might become a new set of norms.

Third, because America is so BIG – especially in the geographical sense – Heritage Americans have been able to self-mitigate many of the worse aspects of the Regime agenda. They could get away from the slums. Federalism allowed them to find states in which to prosper despite the Regime’s efforts. And so forth. Regular folks in many places could still plausibly think America was a high trust, high social cohesion society because where they were at locally might well have been. But as the Regime accelerates, this also will stop. $oros DAs will continue to release violent criminals while punishing law-abiding citizens for defending themselves and their property. Immigration and inflation will further erode the economic prosperity that still remains, which is something that fleeing to a Red state can’t fix. And of course, it will all be brought home starkly once 20,000 or so Palestinian “refugees” get relocated into their counties.

Let’s remember that this is what we actually saw in Ireland. Even into the Oughts, Ireland was homogenous, relatively high IQ and high trust, was the Celtic Tiger with lots of prosperity. Then globohomo decided that Ireland needed tons of “refugees” just like the rest of Europe and suddenly that prosperity and safety and high trust went away. What was the response? Riots and continued disorder that Regime attempts to clamp down on are only going to make worse.

This is going to wear out eventually, which is something that FedGov knows. That’s why they’ve been ramping up gun control efforts over the past few years despite constant opposition from the courts. They’re merely trying to prepare for the inevitable by disarming the people they know they need to suppress the most. Unlike most Euro and Anglosphere countries, Americans haven’t allowed themselves to be disarmed – and that’s something that really does vex The Powers That Be.

But the problem is that it isn’t the 1950s anymore, or even the 1990s for that matter. Back in the 1950s, FedGov could literally stick bayonets at the backs of high school students and force unwilling southern states to integrate their schools. Even in the 1990s FedGov could send its agents to besiege and murder dozens of men, women, and children and most people even at an official level wouldn’t say a thing. But now its 2023 and we’re quite a bit further along the decentralisation path in our secular collapse phase. What FedGov had the moral legitimacy and competency to pull off back then isn’t guaranteed for them now anymore.

So what happens when the FBI wants to do another Waco? What happens if Texas decides it doesn’t want to allow the FBI to do another Waco? We’re past the point where we can blithely say, “Well, the Feds can just make Texas go along with it!” Our place in our collapse cycle means that’s not going to fly like it could have 30 years ago.

At this point, the goal should not be to calm people down but to get them riled up so that when (not if) the break comes, it will be so widespread and numerous that it will completely overwhelm the ability of FedGov and its agencies to deal with it. In this vein, I think of Solzhenitsin’s quote from Gulag Archipelago,

And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?… The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If…if…We didn’t love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation…. We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”

So what does this mean practically? It means people need to start organising locally with people they trust, building a network in their town or county, coordinating with friendly local power holders. It means stockpiling the necessary tools for the maintenance of their freedoms. It means training to shoot, learning how to use comms, thinking both strategically and tactically – obtaining the knowledge to use with your organising. Most of all, it means being morally and temperamentally prepared to oppose the enemies of our people, both foreign and domestic.

I firmly believe that if there is ever widespread violence to break out as part of our collapse, it will be FedGov who initiates the formal hostilities. I believe equally as firmly that in such a situation, that is the way it should be (i.e. absolutely do not go out and do something stupid to lose the moral high ground). Western nations are run by vicious, hostile forces which hate the people over whom they rule. Sooner or later, the Regime is going to push a button that launches a figurative missile that it cannot recall. Be watchful and be ready.

3 thoughts on “There Is No Peaceful Solution

  1. When I look at what has and is happening in Ireland it angers me. But all you have to do is look at New York state and see the same thing. It’s not just NY, you can also include MI, WI CA, WA, CO. I’m sure I missed some.


  2. As though awakening and knowing that it was just a bad dream. The bad dream is now an inexplicable joke of sorts in the small towns of America. “Have you heard the latest?” A top appointed leader of FedGov is an actor from midieval times. Absurd and laughable on the little stage as the troup comes through town. Dressed as clowns but this time with a caravan of more fools that insist the they are now legal representatives of the Royal stewards. The townies are booing and throwing offal at them are the once entertained crowds. Inprisonment for “their own protection” behind razor wire. And the gulag, once again, becomes the substitute for small town America. Too bad we didn’t have large magazines and I don’t mean reading materiel.


  3. The next Waco is probably going to involve resisting the draft, especially if enough of the population sees the regime as illegitimate and find their own reasons for resisting. For example: “I’m not fighting for (GAE, ZOG, GNC, Gynocracy, BlackRock Inc., Neo-liberalism, etc.)

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